miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Visita de Joe Gaston

Today in Educating with Tecnology class we had a visitor, Joe Gaston, who came to talk about integrating technology into the classroom. He gave different examples about how it can be integrated in the curriculum in Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. His information was very helpful and very precise with detailed explanation. The information I found most useful were the four ways in which videos can help in teaching. These four ways were to show procedures, demonstrate understanding, record memory tricks and flip the classroom. Flip the classroom consists in teaching through videos, which could be watched at home, and having class time for one to one interactions between teachers and students or specific questions, while students worked on the material learned. The advantages of using videos were very interesting. Another thing which I found very interesting was his way of introducing the topic, which was by having us participate in two hands on experiments, and use a video to explain them. It is clear that he knows what he is doing, he is passionate about teaching and his students are motivated and engaged in his lessons.

This was a great experience.

2 comentarios:

  1. Me encanto la clase de Mr. Gaston tambien porque hizo muy dinámica la clase y tambien tuvimos la oportunidad de preguntarle cosas o programas en los que los alumnos pueden aprender de algun tema. También me gustaria agregar que lo que hace en la clase de Social Studies esta muy padre porque los alumnos aprenden sobre otras culturas por medio de video conferencia!

  2. Anna,
    I'm so glad you enjoyed the class. If you are interested in the idea of flipping the classroom I encourage you to read this book: http://www.iste.org/resources/product?id=2285. I also want to thank you for sending me your video in which you explained inertia. You did a great job! It was an honor to work with you and your classmates. Take care. -Joe
